Wednesday 15 October 2014

Ode to the Ordinary

In Class students have been working on creating some fantastic poetry inspired by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. Here is an example of his writing: Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market by Pablo Neruda Here, among the market vegetables, this torpedo from the ocean depths, a missile that swam, now lying in front of me dead. Surrounded by the earth's green froth —these lettuces, bunches of carrots— only you lived through the sea's truth, survived the unknown, the unfathomable darkness, the depths of the sea, the great abyss, le grand abîme, only you: varnished black-pitched witness to that deepest night. Only you: dark bullet barreled from the depths, carrying only your one wound, but resurgent, always renewed, locked into the current, fins fletched like wings in the torrent, in the coursing of the underwater dark, like a grieving arrow, sea-javelin, a nerveless oiled harpoon. Dead in front of me, catafalqued king of my own ocean; once sappy as a sprung fir in the green turmoil, once seed to sea-quake, tidal wave, now simply dead remains; in the whole market yours was the only shape left with purpose or direction in this jumbled ruin of nature; you are a solitary man of war among these frail vegetables, your flanks and prow black and slippery as if you were still a well-oiled ship of the wind, the only true machine of the sea: unflawed, undefiled, navigating now the waters of death.

Ode to the Ordinary

Sunday 8 December 2013

monday 9th

We have been exploring PISA rankings as part of our statistical inquiry. PISA is an exam that tests students and is used by governments to rank how effectively their education systems are. It is a comparative exam, in that the governments can compare their results with other countries in the OECD.

The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development is one of the most important think tanks in the world. It collects and analyses data from 34 core countries (plus occasionally others) and uses its findings to make recommendations about government policy.

Today for pānui, we will explore two articles. The first being

Watch the video and describe the average day for a student in Korea.

  • What are some of the reasons given in the article why Korean students have to work so hard?
  • What are some of the benefits of a generation of Korean students who are so good in test situations?
  • What does the article say are the negatives?

Remember to write proper responses to these questions, not just one word answers. Try and incorporate the question with the answer. 

Group activity

Sketch out your plan for a future school.

Monday 11 November 2013

Maths W5

Maths Tuesday

Check out this logic test before you start in on today's pangarau.


Work through the problems on the Khan Academy Website,

If you need support, please come and timetable in a workshop with me!

Sunday 10 November 2013

News W5

Your job this week:

Construct a news story about this News story

Read the story, identify the key information.

Consider how this story relates to Nelson Intermediate students? What connections can you make to other learning from this year? How can we make this story fit the NIS News format?

You will probably need to develop some interview questions about this story for NIS students to respond to.

Thursday 31 October 2013

making kites research

Wednesday 30 October 2013

4Ps of Marketing - For help with your homework!

Homework Tonight!

Research a product and show how it is PROMOTED, PRICED and PLACED.

Try and make it as visually appealing as possible.